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2022 Dry Edible Bean Crop Progress

2022 Dry Edible Bean Crop Progress Report.

Curent items of note this week:

  • Crop is planted an mostly emerged in all regions.
  • Crop in most regions is running a little behind schedule this year due to planting delays caused by weather.
  • Forecast for Colorado and Nebraska is very hot and dry for the next week to 10 days with temps in the 90’s and 100’s.
  • North Dakota dealers are feeling top-end yields are off the table due to some weather events but still relatively early in the growing season.
  • Michigan could use a good generalized rain.
Dry Bean Crop Progress Report
State Emerged This Week  Last Week  Last Year  5 yr. Avg Variance Crop Rating Change
from Avg Good/Excellent From Prev wk
North Dakota 95% 93% 100% 100% -5% 57% -2%
Minnesota 100% 96% 100% 100% 0% 62% -1%
Colorado 85% 69% 100% 55% -6%
Nebraska 97% 93% 100% 61% -3%
Idaho 100% 96% 100% 100% 0% 59% 2%
Washington Nothing Reported 91% -1%
Wyoming 100% 88% 100% 38% -7%
Michigan 95% 90%
State Blooming This Week  Last Week  Last Year Blooming 5 yr. Avg Variance
from Avg
North Dakota 7% 2% 22% -15%
Minnesota 21% 9% 30% -9%
Colorado Not Reported
Nebraska Not Reported
Idaho Not Reported
Washington Not Reported
Wyoming 34% 10% 8% 26%
Michigan N/A


Map released July 7 Precipitation Outlook

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